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For a woman, at times, there are several issues to deal with in personal. There are topics a woman should talk about with a specialized supporter without interruptions coming from outside. Included in such topics is the matter of health, pregnancy, or even other seemingly ?small??problems. This is the turning point that triggered the establishment of madison women?s health.
It is not to say that regular health care cannot be trusted in handling women?s problems, but in fact, many of women?s health problems require different approach?a fact that makes it looks like impossible to give a thorough investigation regarding one?s health problem. By providing them a special care, it is expectable that women can obtain full coverage that can help improve their health better.
The madison women?s health clinic even deals with the most sensitive case that presents itself in the form of pregnancy difficulties. By taking care its patients carefully, the clinic can help one to regain her own self-respect?something that might not occur in regular health care.
It means that besides giving women physical assistance, the clinic also deals with how to make a patient feel comfortable because it doesn?t matter how good a health service being given, if it cannot fulfill her needs of getting psychological support, it?s useless.
Other aspect covered by the clinic is giving a patient a thorough gynecological support. For women of teenage age, it might be the case of aversion that they refuse to pay a visit to OBGYN?for any reason whatsoever. Dealing with this problem, the clinic offers a service of adolescent gynecology to assist them comprehensively.
Talking about service, listed below a complete service given by madison women?s health care center:
- Counsel on contraception. A patient can ask for thorough overview regarding contraceptives so that she could better understand whether to take hormonal control or oral contraceptives, or even to try out using other procedures.
- Explanations about how important condom is in preventing sexually transmitted diseases.
- Pregnancy-related care, including counsel pre-, during, and post-natal.
- Pap smear examinations. If surgery is required for this matter, the clinic also provides counseling to help an individual get the better insight regarding it.
- In relation to menstruations?from unreasonable amount of excess during menses up to the irregularity of menses pattern?the clinic also provides suitable treatment.
- It also deals with patients with the case of ovarian cysts.
Seeing from the given short list of available service in madison women s health center, it can be said that many of the cases often managed by it are the one that if not managed carefully and sensitively, one could only suffer from more complications.
In conclusion, with such a clinic that is supported by several respectable women of physician, women can feel safer about how to better consult their problem without having any reluctance and all.
ScienceDaily (Oct. 25, 2012) ? Resveratrol, an ingredient in red wine thought to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce risk of heart disease and increase longevity, does not appear to offer these benefits in healthy women, new research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis indicates.
The study, reported online Oct. 25 in Cell Metabolism, involved 29 post-menopausal women who did not have type 2 diabetes and who were reasonably healthy. For 12 weeks, half took an over-the-counter resveratrol supplement, and the rest got a placebo, or sugar pill.
"Resveratrol supplements have become popular because studies in cell systems and rodents show that resveratrol can improve metabolic function and prevent or reverse certain health problems like diabetes, heart disease and even cancer," says senior investigator Samuel Klein, MD, director of Washington University's Center for Human Nutrition. "But our data demonstrate that resveratrol supplementation does not have metabolic benefits in relatively healthy, middle-aged women."
The results were somewhat surprising because earlier studies suggested that drinking red wine lowers the risk of health problems.
"Few studies have evaluated the effects of resveratrol in people," Klein explains. "Those studies were conducted in people with diabetes, older adults with impaired glucose tolerance or obese people who had more metabolic problems than the women we studied. So it is possible that resveratrol could have beneficial effects in people who are more metabolically abnormal than the subjects who participated in the study."
Klein, the Danforth Professor of Medicine and Nutritional Science, directs the Division of Geriatrics and Nutritional Science and the Center for Applied Research Sciences. He says many people who have heard about red wine's health benefits want to take resveratrol supplements to get the benefits of red wine without consuming large amounts of alcohol. In recent years, annual U.S. sales of resveratrol supplements have risen to $30 million.
As part of the study, Klein and his colleagues gave 15 post-menopausal women 75 milligrams of resveratrol daily, the same amount they'd get from drinking 8 liters of red wine, and compared their insulin sensitivity to 14 others who took a placebo.
The team measured the women's sensitivity to insulin and the rate of glucose uptake in their muscles, infusing insulin into their bodies and measuring their metabolic response to different doses.
"It's the most sensitive approach we have for evaluating insulin action in people," he says. "And we were unable to detect any effect of resveratrol. In addition, we took small samples of muscle and fat tissue from these women to look for possible effects of resveratrol in the body's cells, and again, we could not find any changes in the signaling pathways involved in metabolism."
But if resveratrol doesn't have a health benefit, then why are red wine drinkers less likely to develop heart disease and diabetes? Klein says there may be something else in red wine that provides the benefit.
"The purpose of our study was not to identify the active ingredient in red wine that improves health but to determine whether supplementation with resveratrol has independent, metabolic effects in relatively healthy people," he says. "We were unable to detect a metabolic benefit of resveratrol supplementation in our study population, but this does not preclude the possibility that resveratrol could have a synergistic effect when combined with other compounds in red wine."
Funding for this research comes from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and grants from DSM Nutritional Products, the Longer Life Foundation, the Japanese Research Foundation for Clinical Pharmacology, the Manpei Suzuki Diabetes Foundation and the Kanae Foundation for the Promotion of Medical Science. NIH grant numbers UL1 RR024992, DK 56341 and DK 37948.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Washington University School of Medicine. The original article was written by Jim Dryden.
Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.
Journal Reference:
Jun Yoshino, Caterina Conte, Luigi Fontana, Bettina Mittendorfer, Shin-ichiro Imai, Kenneth?B. Schechtman, Charles Gu, Iris Kunz, Filippo?Rossi Fanelli, Bruce?W. Patterson, Samuel Klein. Resveratrol Supplementation Does Not Improve Metabolic Function in Nonobese Women with Normal Glucose Tolerance. Cell Metabolism, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2012.09.015
Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
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Editor, the Record:
This left-wing editorial page of this newspaper has been screaming about the voter-ID law and the poor disenfranchised Democratic-leaning poor, etc. You see, you can't be disenfranchised and be a Republican. Us millionaires and billionaires, that is.
The real disenfranchised are our military men and women who are serving our country. The Democratic-leaning states seem to have a hard time getting the absentee ballots out to those people. They lean Republican.
You never hear this newspaper champion that particular matter. The latest news is the last straw. The American Civil Liberties Union and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People are trying to get the UN to have representatives at our polling places to make sure our voters are not disenfranchised.
Can you imagine that? Other counties monitoring our elections. Save the USA. Vote Romney.
Long Pond
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So, yesterday ? whadda day for me. As you may know, I was a bit M.I.A. around these here parts yesterday because I was up EARLY to run the 2012 Detroit International Half Marathon. My day started at around 4AM and it didn?t really end until well past midnight Eastern time. The Detroit Run was pretty much one of the best things I?ve ever been a part of and I?m just really proud of myself for taking up the challenge. After the race, I rested up a bit before Sarah and I made our way to one of Michigan?s amazing cider mills for an afternoon of Fall fun. Then, I hopped a plane back to LA and here I am again. Monday. Click below to check out some photos from my very bizzy but fun day yesterday and see what I got up to.
I could go on and on about the race but I shant ? I?ll just let you know that I loved all 13.1 miles of the race ? from Detroit to Windsor, Canada (over the Detroit River on the Ambassador Bridge) and back again (under the Detroit River thru the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel). I got to see some of my fave Detroit landmarks up close and personal ? on foot.
I wanted my finish time to be as close to 2 hours as possible and I ended up finishing at 2:12 ? not too shabby, a new personal record. I have to give so much love to Sarah and Mark for waking up with me in the wee hours of the morning to support me every step of the way. My day was fun, yes, but largely due to their support and love.
After the race (and after a great nap), Sarah and I made our way to the Plymouth Orchards for some cider mill fun:
Sarah and I had a blast. Our time at the mill was short but very sweet. I couldn?t get all sad because I?ll be back in Detroit in a few weeks to hang again :D
My weekend was fun but hectic. Next weekend will be just as hectic. I have another couple of races coming up Saturday and Sunday ? but I?ll worry about those later. It?s Monday, a new work week ? let?s do this!
I went for a walk around the park with Buddy tonight as I always do. But as I was walking, I saw something blue glowing in the grass. I got closer and realized it was someone?s iPhone. I had just missed a call to this stranger?s phone. I picked it up and unlocked it so I could email the owner that I had their phone. However, it was passcode protected. So I had to wait for a call to come through.
There needs to be a button that you can press that circumvents passcode protection that creates an email to the owner saying you have their phone. It?s interesting that security presumes that an unauthorized user only wants to do harm, not good. But I?d bet that 95% of us, if not more, would return a found iPhone if we had the opportunity. I get it though?security is only as good as its weakest link.
The story has a happy ending. He got his phone back about 20 minutes after I found it.?
ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2012) ? Duke Medicine researchers studying the interaction of blood stem cells and the niche where they reside have identified a protein that may be a long-sought growth factor for blood stem cells.
The protein is called pleiotrophin, and is produced by cells that line the blood vessels in bone marrow. In mouse studies conducted by the Duke researchers, the protein helps transplanted blood stem cells locate to the bone marrow, where they produce mature red and white blood cells in the body.
The finding, reported in the Oct. 18, 2012, issue of the journal Cell Reports, could lead to new treatments that speed recovery of healthy blood levels for patients receiving chemotherapy or undergoing bone marrow and cord blood transplants.
"Our hypothesis is that pleitrophin has the potential to promote blood stem cell growth in the manner that erythropoietin stimulates red blood cell precursors," said principal investigator John Chute, M.D., professor of Medicine, Pharmacology & Cancer Biology.
Many patients have benefitted from the discovery of erythropoietin (EPO), which stimulates the body to produce mature red blood cells. A synthetic form of EPO is commonly used to treat patients with anemia. Similarly, granulocyte colony stimulating factor (Neupogen), a growth factor for white blood cells, is used to remedy low white blood cell counts that often result from chemotherapy or radiation treatments for cancer.
"A principle objective in hematology for several decades is to identify a growth factor capable of promoting blood stem cells to grow without differentiating," Chute said.
Pleiotrophin may be one such growth factor. Pleiotrophin, which means "many forms," appears to make blood stem cells grow and promote production of all the mature blood lineages that are derived from the blood stem cell. Previously, Chute and his colleagues had shown that treatment with pleiotrophin promoted the expansion of mouse and human blood stems cells in cultures that were capable of engrafting in transplanted mice.
In the new research, lead researcher Heather Himburg, Ph.D., assistant professor of medicine, and Chute's research team showed that cells lining blood vessels in the bone marrow produce pleiotrophin, where it acts as a homing device to attract and retain stem cells. The researchers then demonstrated that genetically engineered mice missing the gene encoding pleiotrophin had decreased numbers of stem cells in their bone marrow, and had difficulty making new blood cells if depleted.
When the researchers treated normal mice with an anti-pleiotrophin antibody, it had the surprising effect of causing existing blood stem cells to be released from bone marrow and enter the blood stream. The finding was particularly exciting to the researchers, as the effect was similar to that observed when granulocyte-colony stimulating factor is used clinically to mobilize stem cells from a donor's bone marrow for use in blood stem cell transplants.
"The discoveries together suggest two possible therapeutic uses," said Chute. "Treatment with pleiotrophin may prove useful in helping patients more quickly regenerate their own blood forming cells after chemotherapy or bone marrow transplant. Second, anti-pleiotrophin antibodies may be useful in mobilizing stem cells to the peripheral blood."
The researchers are planning additional studies to understand how the homing system works and how pleiotrophin interacts with other growth factors to regulate blood stem cell function in the body. Given that some prior studies have suggested that pleiotrophin can promote cancer cell growth, human safety studies will be crucial, Chute said.
Co-authors from Duke include Himburg; Jeffrey R. Harris; Takahiro Ito; Pamela Daher; J. Lauren Russell; Mamle Quarmyne; Phuong L. Doan; Katherine Helms; Mai Nakamura; Emma Fixsen; Tannishtha Reya; Nelson J. Chao; plus Gonzalo Herradon from the University of San Pablo, Madrid; and Sheila Harroch of the Pasteur Institute, Paris.
Funding for the study was provided by the National Institutes of Health grants AI-067798 and HL-086998.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Duke University Medical Center, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.
Journal Reference:
Heather?A. Himburg, Jeffrey?R. Harris, Takahiro Ito, Pamela Daher, J.?Lauren Russell, Mamle Quarmyne, Phuong?L. Doan, Katherine Helms, Mai Nakamura, Emma Fixsen, Gonzalo Herradon, Tannishtha Reya, Nelson?J. Chao, Sheila Harroch, John?P. Chute. Pleiotrophin Regulates the Retention and Self-Renewal of Hematopoietic Stem Cells in the Bone Marrow Vascular Niche. Cell Reports, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2012.09.002
Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
Remember when Ultrabook prices dropped to around $700 and everyone cheered? Well, get ready for some one-upping: here at a New York City press event, ASUS just announced a line of lightweight, touchscreen laptops, and let's just say the prices are pretty aggressive. The new family, which will carry the name VivoBook, includes 11-, 14- and 15-inch models, with the 11.6-inch Q200 (aka the X202) starting at $499 with a Core i3 processor. The 14-inch S400, meanwhile, will start at $599, while the 15-inch S500 will go for $649 and up. Across the board, there will be configurations with Core i5 and i7 processors, but again, i3 is the starting spec here. As you can see in the photo above, the design isn't all that different from the current-gen Zenbook Prime family, though they lack some of that line's higher-end features -- namely, 1080p screens and solid-state storage. ASUS so far hasn't said when these laptops will ship here in the US, but we'll be sure to follow up with more specifics as we learn them.
There is a sense, if one stops to examine it, that a most significant transformation of the Xbox is happening right under our noses.
Numerous incremental updates, drip-fed across several years, have quietly and steadily re-shaped the console into a home entertainment hub. At face value it's bluntly referred to as "games plus Netflix" in the US and "games plus iPlayer" in the UK. Yet, at an infrastructure level, Microsoft is pushing Xbox into a sphere of entertainment that's so progressive there isn't really a recognised word for it yet.
It's not convergence nor is it dissemination. The future for Xbox is some kind of multi-channel, cross-location, self-interacting media ecosystem. And it's something that has clear signs of promise.
Xbox Music Put it this way: Xbox will soon launch a music service that most people expect will carry the same curse/stupidities as Zune. Yet somehow it is clearly an authentic Spotify contender.
Xbox Music will cost ?8.99 in the UK - about the same price as Spotify's premium service - and it will allow customers to stream ad-free music onto five separate devices such as Windows 8, smartphones, various tablets, Xboxes and PCs.
A Windows Phone user, for example, will be able to listen on the go and then, when arriving home or at the office, can throw their playlist onto an Xbox or PC, or whatever really, in a manner that isn't quite seamless but is swift and straightforward.
When Xbox Music is playing on PC or Xbox, a SmartGlass device can sync up and provide information about the tracks, or allow users to create playlists to send across devices.
Everything's becoming a bit post-homogenous. The target customer in Microsoft's future will not easily perceive where their entertainment experience begins or ends.
And in a moment of modern shrewdness, Microsoft has revealed that the basic version of Xbox Music will be completely free to use.
Pawan Bhardwaj, product manager Xbox Live, confirmed to CVG on Monday that the free edition will be punctuated by commercial interruptions much like Spotify's free service. Unlike Spotify, however, it will support SmartGlass and boast about double the number of available tracks (about thirty million, apparently).
SmartGlass is coming to iPhone and Android for free too, though it's not clear whether the likes of Apple and Google will allow their devices to stream a major rival's music service.
Microsoft has a startling track record of misusing its resources and misunderstanding the market when trying to compete in music. By opening up Xbox Music to all (and, by the way, pre-installing it on all Windows 8 OSes), it may well have steadied its aim.
SmartGlass will transfer video across devicesVideo vision
Tablet and mobiles, via SmartGlass, will soon become a second-screen accessory for all Netflix films. This service has less potential; essentially it's a slick version of IMDB updating throughout a film to offer info on actors and such. Whether users will really want to break the spell of There Will Be Blood to read about Daniel Day-Lewis's acting career is up for debate.
It hasn't gone unnoticed that second-screen TV interaction has become more customary on media that doesn't demand such undivided attention. Documentaries, special news reports and debate shows such as Question Time is really what gets people on their tablet posturing away on Twitter.
CVG asked Bhardwaj whether such SmartGlass functionality will be available for live television, and detailed the potential of watching a Super Sunday match on Sky Sports while being fed squad stats and a live premier league table through a tablet. He said he couldn't quite answer that question but asked us to watch out for any announcements made in the US soon. So it looks like the NFL will get there first.
He also pointed out that the Presidential election debate was streamed over Xbox Live, which about 100,000 people watched, and also hosted a live poll that thousands took part in.
The Windows 8 Xbox 'entertainment' storeCross-play, cross-buy and Windows 8
Microsoft is poised to announce SmartGlass partnerships with a select number of third-party games publishers, Bhardwaj told CVG.
Gaming is still the pulse of the Xbox business, and understandably Bhardwaj was a little more careful when discussing his core audience.
"We really want to offer an enhanced experience for people playing games on Xbox," he said.
"We don't want to distract from it, we want to add to it. It has to be a genuine accompaniment, so we're looking at games that will be enhanced and not hindered by second-screen tech."
Two examples wee offered: the next Just Dance on Xbox will allow people to update playlists on the fly, and on Forza Horizon owners will be shown an interactive map. Hardly earth-shattering, but Bhardwaj believes the potential is there, particularly for any game that requires excessive use of maps (GTA V springs to mind) or various data logs and lore (Mass Effect et al).
While Microsoft is outright prohibiting 18-rated content on the Windows 8 app store, on the Xbox Games Store nothing is restricted. PC users can buy Xbox content at their desk which will commence download once the home console is switched on.
With regards to PC-console matrimony, Sony is perhaps going one step beyond Microsoft. The PS3 game Dust 514, for example, will directly interact with the PC-bound Eve Online audience in a real-time environment. Since Microsoft is so openly embracing homogeneity, CVG asked Bhardwaj whether games would be able to dance between Windows 8 and Xbox. He said he wasn't certain.
Xbox next
It was in June last year that Microsoft laid bare its new strategy for Xbox. Corporate communications VP Frank Shaw wrote in a widely circulated blog post that the console would be marketed more as an entertainment brand, though at the time it was hard to tell if this was executive-level hyperbole.
In hindsight, it's clear that Shaw and his colleagues were determined to adapt to the modern traits of the market. Though it has moved as slowly as any company would at that size, Microsoft has nevertheless demonstrated a clear vision for its future in entertainment.
What is quite striking about Xbox is the way it is now used as an umbrella-term for music, film, TV and games - a clear sign of confidence from Microsoft that the brand has successfully purveyed the mass market.
The Windows 8 media section itself is categorised as Xbox, and it's decisions like this that portray quite an extraordinary success story for gaming brand barely older than ten years. What started as a console codename has encompassed nearly everything Microsoft wants to package as entertainment.
With one question remaining, CVG asked Bhardwaj whether he was worried that, by surrounding Xbox gamers with all these distractions, the focus on gaming itself could get lost.
"I think we reached an understanding that our customers, gamers, also love movies, they love music," he said.
"They're normal people who have lives and love entertainment. We're there to give them what we want."
I like to run. It is a great way to get my cardio in, I can enjoy the fresh air, and there are no monthly dues. Really it is a perfect set-up for myself and many others. They same things goes for people who like to cycle. But one downside to using these outdoor sports as a primary source of exercise is that come fall and winter the weather can make things a bit difficult.
Shorter days, cold weather, rain, and sometimes even snow can really get in the way of an outdoor exercise program. So the key is to plan ahead and have your backup options already in place. That way when a sudden downpour occurs you are ready to switch to Plan B without skipping a beat.
With that in mind here are a few ideas for alternatives you can do indoors:
Buy a treadmill or cycle machine ? This is a great idea for a serious runner or cyclist. You can keep yourself up to speed no matter what is going on outside. A good model can be expensive but you have to look at it like an investment in your health. Some people might consider joining a gym but during the winter months they are ripe with germs.
Aerobics ? All you need is a few exercise videos, a TV, a DVD player, and some space. The nice thing is it can be a break from what you normally do and provide some nice change of pace motions to strengthen other areas of your body.
Insanity (or other similar HIIT programs) ? Much like aerobic videos these are great any-time activities that just require some living room space. The hard-core exercise programs will give you a serious workout and look to make you stronger everywhere. While not running or cycling as much due to the weather will affect you a little bit, this style of training will make up for it with more overall body strength and muscle endurance in a way your body isn?t used to.
Jump Rope ? The old standby is just a rope with two handles and some space. Jumping rope is often a forgotten exercise but is really quite a good workout. The shoulders, arms, and legs get some toning while the constant movement burns 10 to 12 calories a minute. Yup, if you can manage 30 minutes of skipping rope then you just skipped off 300 to 360 calories which is comparable to jogging.
Wii/Kinect/Move ? If you (or your kids) have a motion video game system then make use of it. There are tons of great games that involve exercise, boxing, or fitness that you can do with your own virtual personal trainer. They can be fun and engaging as well as a good workout.
Heavy Bag ? Boxing is an old stand-by and a great way to burn calories, work out aggression, and tone up your body. A good heavy bag is much cheaper than a treadmill or therapy session for that matter. You can mix it up with normal boxing or even add in some cardio kick-boxing for fun.
For more information on how to incorporate cardio in to your bodybuilding routine, please visit us at our website? You can also interact with us at our facebook fitness forum.
Posted by Dan on Sunday, October 21, 2012 at 8:22 pm? Filed under Aerobics Cardio ? Tagged with
FILE - In this Sept. 7, 2012, file photo, Toronto Blue Jays manager John Farrell sits in the dugout before the Blue Jays' baseball game against the Boston Red Sox in Boston. The Red Sox reportedly have reached an agreement to bring Farrell to Boston to replace Bobby Valentine. Red Sox spokeswoman Pam Kenn said early Sunday, Oct. 21, 2012, the team had no announcement to make. Comcast SportsNet New England reported that the deal was agreed to.
Michael Dwyer, File ? AP Photo
BOSTON ? The Boston Red Sox hired John Farrell to be their new manager on Sunday, obtaining their former pitching coach from the Blue Jays in a trade for infielder Mike Aviles.
Farrell had been the Toronto manager the past two seasons, posting a 154-170 record with two fourth-place finishes.?He had one year remaining on his contract with the Blue Jays, allowing them to demand compensation from Boston.
"I'm extremely excited to be returning to the Red Sox and to Boston," Farrell said in a statement released by the Red Sox. "I love this organization. It's a great franchise in a special city and region, with great fans, and we want nothing more than to reward their faith in us."
It's the second time the Red Sox have pursued Farrell for their managerial job, closing the deal this time by working out a rare but not unprecedented trade for an active manager. Boston will give up Aviles, who hit .250 with 13 homers and 60 RBIs last season, and get right-hander David Carpenter in return.
It is the seventh time in major league history that one team has traded for a manager while he was under contract to another, the Red Sox said. Last year, the Miami Marlins obtained Ozzie Guillen from the Chicago White Sox in a deal that also included three players.
Farrell received a three-year deal in Boston, which also interviewed San Diego Padres special assistant Brad Ausmus, New York Yankees bench coach Tony Pena, Los Angeles Dodgers third base coach Tim Wallach and Baltimore Orioles third base coach DeMarlo Hale.
"We met some outstanding managerial candidates in this process," Red Sox president Larry Lucchino said in the statement. "John Farrell brings a unique blend of managerial experience, leadership and presence, pitching expertise, front office experience, and an established track record with many members of our uniformed staff and members of our front office. He will hit the ground running."
The pitching coach in Boston for four years, Farrell was the heir apparent to Terry Francona before going to Toronto two seasons ago when it seemed like Francona would be sticking around long-term. When Francona was let go after an unprecedented collapse in September of 2011, the Red Sox tried to pry Farrell loose from the Blue Jays.
But Toronto general manager Alex Anthopoulos asked for a top player in return for Farrell, who had been there only one season and gone 81-81.
So the Red Sox turned to Bobby Valentine to bring discipline to a clubhouse in which players drank beer and ate fried chicken in the clubhouse during games. But the former New York Mets and Japanese Leagues manager alienated so many players that the team was forced to bail out on the season, trading away Carl Crawford, Josh Beckett and Adrian Gonzalez in August to save more than $250 million in future salaries.
Valentine was fired after finishing in last place with a 69-93 record - four games behind Toronto and the ballclub's worst record since 1965. General manager Ben Cherington was back in the market for a manager, and this time he didn't need a hard-line disciplinarian.
"The team is in a different point than it was last year when we hired Bobby," Cherington said after firing Valentine. "The roster was fairly mature and we felt, mistakenly in retrospect, but we felt at the time, that we had a chance to win and the team was ready to win. We're now at a different point."
Farrell, 50, had a promising pitching career with the Cleveland Indians before an injury kept him out for the entire 1991 and '92 seasons. He returned to pitch sparingly in four more seasons, finishing his career with a 36-46 record and a 4.56 ERA.
He coached at Oklahoma State, where he pitched in college, from 1997-2001 and then spent five years in the Indians' front office before Francona, a former Cleveland teammate, brought him to Boston as pitching coach. Under Farrell's guidance from 2007-10, Red Sox pitchers held opponents to an AL-low .254 batting average and led the league with in 4,771 strikeouts.
Farrell is familiar with Red Sox management from his time in Boston and has worked with many of the club's pitchers - including starters Jon Lester and Clay Buchholz, who were All-Stars under his tutelage.
"His broad set of experiences, and exceptional leadership skills, make him the ideal person to lead our team," Cherington said in the news release. "I have known him in various capacities throughout my career, and I hold him in the highest regard as a baseball man and as a person."
Aviles, 31, is a career .277 hitter who played 136 games for the Red Sox in 2012, mostly at shortstop.
Carpenter, 27, is 1-5 with one save and a 5.70 ERA over 67 career relief appearances with the Astros and Blue Jays. He appeared in 33 games in 2012, 30 with the Astros before being sent to the Blue Jays in a 10-player trade on July 20; he also made 23 minor-league appearances last season.
Originally a catcher, Carpenter converted to pitching in 2008.
How do you decompress after a long day or week? What do you consider relaxing? They answer may change based on where you live. Check out some of the ways people across the globe manage their stress, and let us know your techniques in the comments.
Katie is a freelance writer focused on pets, food and women?s issues. A Chicago native and longtime resident of the Pacific Northwest, Katie now lives in Oakland, California.
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JERUSALEM (AP) ? Israel's prime minister vowed on Sunday to continue building in east Jerusalem, despite objections from Palestinians who claim the territory as capital of their hoped-for state.
Benjamin Netanyahu spoke Sunday after the European Union's foreign policy chief criticized plans to build 800 new apartments and a military college on contested land, which the international community considers to be under Israeli occupation.
"We are not imposing any restrictions on construction in Jerusalem" Netanyahu told his Cabinet. "It is our capital."
A top aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas promptly accused Netanyahu of deliberately destroying prospects for peace.
The Israeli leader's comment "comes in the context of the continuing destruction of the peace process and the two-state solution," Nabil Abu Rdeneh said.
The fate of Jerusalem lies at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Palestinians refuse to negotiate while Israel continues to build settlements in east Jerusalem and the West Bank, areas captured by the Jewish state in 1967.
Netanyahu has rejected the notion of partitioning the city.
Meanwhile, American academic Noam Chomsky made his first ever visit to the Gaza Strip, where he called on Israel to end its blockade of the Hamas-ruled territory.
The octogenarian Chomsky, an ardent critic of Israel who was banned from entering the country in 2010, entered Gaza through neighboring Egypt to attend a linguistics conference. While there, he accused the U.S. of allowing the Jewish state to act with impunity for its continuation of the blockade, which Israel imposed after the militant Islamist Hamas group violently seized control of Gaza in 2007.
The restrictions were loosened after an Israeli raid on a blockade-busting boat in 2009 killed nine Turkish activists, but there are still limits on movement, imports of raw materials, and exports.
AMMAN, Jordan (AP) ? Jordanian authorities have arrested 11 suspected al-Qaida-linked militants for allegedly planning to attack shopping malls and Western diplomatic missions in the country, the government said Sunday.
The plot is the first to be unveiled since a triple hotel bombing in Amman almost seven years ago, which killed 60 people. Al-Qaida claimed responsibility for the attack, citing its rejection of Jordan's alliance with the United States and its 1994 peace treaty with Israel.
Jordanian officials and Arab diplomats have been voicing concern over stability in the kingdom, which lies at a precarious corner in the Middle East, neighboring hot spots Syria, Iraq and the Palestinian territories.
The officials and diplomats, insisting on anonymity because they are not allowed to make statements to the press, have warned of possible plots to destabilize the kingdom. They say militants seek to use its territory as they consolidate their foothold in Syria ? which lies on Jordan's northern border.
Announcing the foiled plot, government spokesman Sameeh Maaytah told an impromptu press conference that the suspects are all Jordanian and are in police custody.
"They were plotting deadly terror attacks on vital institutions, shopping centers and diplomatic missions," he said.
"They sought to destabilize Jordan," he said. "They plotted against Jordan's national security."
Jordan's state TV broadcast the names and headshots of the suspects ? all men in their 20s and 30s, most of whom wore long beards. It identified them as "militants."
A Jordanian security official involved in the investigation said some of the 11 are affiliated with Jordan's banned Salafi movement, which promotes an ultraorthodox brand of Islam that considers other Muslims who do not follow its hardline theology as infidels.
Cell members will be put on trial in the military court, a date has not yet been set for the trial, the official added, insisting on anonymity because he is not allowed to comment before the trial opens.
Abed Shehadeh al-Tahawi, who heads Jordan's Salafis, told the Associated Press that he "recognized at least half of the people shown on television."
"They are members of my group, but they have nothing to do with what is said to be a 'terror plot'," he said.
He called the Jordanian government announcement a "bluff to justify a looming crackdown on my group and other good Muslims seeking freedom through the rule of Sharia (Islamic law)."
A statement by Jordanian intelligence said an investigation showed that the group "adopts the ideology of al-Qaida" and that it nicknamed its terror plot as "9/11 the second" ? a reference to the Amman hotel blasts, which happened on Nov. 9, 2005.
Since June, the suspects have been surveying targets across the country, bringing in rockets from Syria to use in the alleged plot, the statement said, adding that the group also planned to carry out suicide attacks using explosive belts.
The militants sought to carry out their attacks in stages, it added, with initial attacks on shopping centers and foreigners in Jordanian hotels, followed by more deadly strikes with powerful explosives and chemicals on Western diplomatic missions and unspecified "vital national sites."
One attack involved firing rockets at a district in the Jordanian capital that houses the U.S., British and other diplomatic missions as well as housing for expats and Western diplomats.
The statement said al-Qaida "explosive experts" based in Iraq and elsewhere have assisted the suspects with manufacturing home-made explosives.
The statement did not say when the suspects were arrested, but Maaytah ? the government spokesman ? said Jordanian intelligence apprehended them in the past few days.
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